Go 930 wont accept maps (same as used before from backup)

Oct 14, 2009
I had dramas with this device before - experiencing the dreaded loop syndrome after disconnecting from the computer.

I did the whole reformat thing and reinstalled the europe map only using explorer.

Now that I am home, I copied Australia Maps back to the Tom tom using explorer and after I try to switch maps in the device it says

Problem with Map
You cannot use this map on this device: Australia-19

This is the same map that came on the device when I bought it and backed up to my hard drive.

any ideas?

Try downloading and running the clear flash tool found here: tomtom.com/6211

Run it 3 times.
Just now I even tried reformatting the tomtom, reinstalling the application from home and copying the map from the hard drive.
It still says the same thing - cannot use this map with this device
I guess a call to Aussie support is necessary.

(Your Aussie map, when first obtained, WAS legitimate, wasn't it?)
Yes, the device came with all the maps preloaded - that was the reason I bought it.
I've had nothing but problems with it.
Ill try Australia tomtom support.
Thanks for your help
This is reminder to the OP to some others.

Linux file systems are Ext2, Ext3 ... Most of us use Windows with file systems FAT32, NTFS ...
To make our life easy TomTom use (and got sued) FAT32. You know, MS don't play nice with Linux so when you don't properly disconnect a TomTom , you invite troubles .:eek:
I suspect your problem stems from a corrupt or missing DCT file (which holds the key to your map). Did you set Explorer to show all hidden/system file ?
We've seen a lot of Australians lately getting sold Tomtoms with pirated maps.

Once you plug a device with a pirated map into HOME and update the Tomtom, the new software recognizes the pirated map and refuses to use it with an error message just like you stated.

Sounds like that's what happened to you. If you have the ability to return it to the place of purchase I'd recommend that. Also, if you post the seller, Mike has contacts at Tomtom legal who can hopefully shut down the seller so others don't get duped.

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