GO 720 Cannot connect to Bluetooth

Aug 4, 2011
Stettler, Alberta
TomTom Model(s)
2 - GO 720's
I have 2 go720's one connects fine to my cell phone the other I keep getting the unable to locate mobile device and the phone says it can't find the Tomtom. Any help would be appreciated.
Still get the same message: Mobile phone - An error occured while searching for phones. Do you want to try again?
Tried YES a dozen times, same result. Also checked Bluetooth preferences and tried connect to Bluetooth same result
Has the battery been replaced in the device that won't connect to the phone as I have known this damage the Bluetooth capability of the x20/ x30 units in the past?

Are both devices running the same version of Navcore, tap the sat strength meter followed by the version box on the devices to find out and report back - Mike
Battery was replaced in this unit. I believe the bluetooth worked afterwards. The unit that works is running ver. 8.351, the one that doesn't is running 8.3. I tried upgrading it to 8.351 but it won't start afterward, just sits on the TomTom screen. Reset doesn't help either.

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