GO 6100 - suddenly showing "demo" slides in middle of navigation

Oct 24, 2015
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/gb.png" alt="United Kingdom" /> United Kingdom
TomTom Model(s)
Bought a 6100 earlier today and loved the experience of driving from Cornwall to Nottingham using it.
Except for when it suddenly started showing 12 "slides" about how great the device is...while continuing to give voice instructions. I only had to touch the screen to stop it, but then a few minutes later it started again.
I realised that the device had lost the connection to TomTom services (traffic icon with a cross), so I figured this was some kind of "advert" trying to show how much better things would be if it were connected... but in the middle of navigating??? Bordering on dangerous, suddenly covering the map/directions like that.
I have no clue if there is a way to reconnect the services manually, but I turned the while thing off and on again and the services reconnected and everything was wonderful again (no more demo slides).
Is this a known issue (hopefully already fixed, I haven't had a chance to update the device yet)? If not, is there a better workaround for getting it working again if/when this happens?
Apologies if I should have been able to find an existing thread on this but none of my searches found anything.
This is the first time I hear about that.

When you update the device, do not use the same eMail address of a previous TomTom, if you had one.
Any fake address will do to differentiate the devices.
The device shakes hand with the servers by using the eMail address under which you signed in ay MyDerive Connect. You don't need a new password.
That is the store demo mode that all devices are shipped with. That mode should disappear and never come back again after you drive a couple miles as long as it gets an outdoor GPS signal (to know you are moving).

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