Tomtom one XL IQR
During large updates I receive a "delayed write failed" error message from Windows XP (and 2000).
I've read a lot of Windows related post/forum and applied all the solution proposed, but I still find hard to update the system.
Windows XP and 2000 where both fully updated with the latest SP/fix available.
I'd like to update the map... but this regularly end up in a dead system.
Transferring large files with Linux is not fast but at least it doesn't fail. Unfortunately TomTom home works just in Windows... and it seems it does some extra magic other than transfering files...
Considering I've no problem writing to a flash pen drive in Windows or Linux:
a) TomTom hardware should be improved
b) TomTom software should properly deal with the limitations of the hardware and the Operating System it decided to support....
b) at least TomTom folks should improve their HOWTO section to help user solve this problem
During large updates I receive a "delayed write failed" error message from Windows XP (and 2000).
I've read a lot of Windows related post/forum and applied all the solution proposed, but I still find hard to update the system.
Windows XP and 2000 where both fully updated with the latest SP/fix available.
I'd like to update the map... but this regularly end up in a dead system.
Transferring large files with Linux is not fast but at least it doesn't fail. Unfortunately TomTom home works just in Windows... and it seems it does some extra magic other than transfering files...
Considering I've no problem writing to a flash pen drive in Windows or Linux:
a) TomTom hardware should be improved
b) TomTom software should properly deal with the limitations of the hardware and the Operating System it decided to support....
b) at least TomTom folks should improve their HOWTO section to help user solve this problem