Changing device in TT Home

Dec 2, 2007
TomTom Model(s)
I am dropping my TT One XL-s and will have my new TT XXL540tm delivered this week, the question is how will I change TomTom Home to recognize my new machine. I am NOT trying to run two different devices in one home, I am physically changing the device, any ideas?
When you first connect to Home, it should recognize that it's a different device being connected that before and offer you to attach this device to the existing account if over 6 months since you established it or create a new account.

Do the latter. The new email address you select doesn't even have to be real, just in the proper (e-mail address removed) format.
Yep. I just got through doing this. My Go 630 was stolen :mad:, so I got a replacement. TomTom Home warns you that it will no longer work with your previous device (which was just fine with me; in fact, I wish I could do a remote self destruct on it!) . It transferred my map and traffic subscription over to my new Go 630 just fine.

Of course, I still needed to restore my old settings and favorites from my last backup, but after that, smooth sailing

Rant: we had my TomTom in my wifes Explorer while taking my son to college. It was under the seat, but my RDS-TMC antenna was still on the windshield. They did a smash and grab; they got my GO, my new 16GB Class 8 MicroSD , my USB RDS-TMC antenna, and my EasyPort adaptor mount , plus a pair of Oakleys that my son had bought me as a birthday present. I've been watching craigslist, but it hasn't turned up.
Just added a 2nd device to the same computer for the first time, and was pleased to see that Home actually managed this pretty well. Provided 3 options, as I recall, not in this particular order...

1) Go find your other device and connect it instead
2) Replace the device on the existing (> 6 mo) account
3) Start up a new account

DHN is correct that it really isn't necessary to have a "real" email account for the unit. If you connect to Home on a regular basis, you'll probably get the advisories of new map releases long before the email shows up to tell you the same thing. That said, a lot of people don't realize that their ISP will provide multiple accounts for free (e.g., each family member can have a separate email address). So I went into my Comcast account manager and set up a new email address for my 740 and gave that to Home to play with.

One other TRULY amazing thing...

Just for S&G, I decided to see what would happen if I were to slide over my mapsettings.cfg file from my 720 to my 740. Given that the 720 is stuck at 8.351 forever (doubt we'll ever see an update), and that the 740 updated into Navcore 9.0XX somewhere, I really doubted it would work, but was prepared to fall back if necessary. But.. amazing. The mapsettings.cfg was interpreted just fine by the new Navcore and my favorites popped right up, along with the other things stored there. Pleasant surprise. It's rare something like that works out.
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Pleasant surprise. It's rare something like that works out.
Especially when TT programmers are writing the new Navcore. :rolleyes: :D

Encouraging to read that Home can handle two (or more) devices. I plan on keeping my 3rd edition after getting a new unit.
Thanks guys, I did an explorer copy like suggested, didn't need to dump any voices, TT Home immediately said its new, want to forget about it, create a new account, or REPLACE my old device with new. I had no problem with that, but I never saw an option to add another device, no problem though. Also told me had a new map, so DL and installed without having to delete voices to make room, even activated my lifetime map no problem.
Thanks again!
p.s.what is the new graphic format for the car icon, I created a new version of my Wrangler but the red field no longer disappears, what color for the area surrounding the vehicle?
Thanks guys, I did an explorer copy like suggested, didn't need to dump any voices, TT Home immediately said its new, want to forget about it, create a new account, or REPLACE my old device with new. I had no problem with that, but I never saw an option to add another device, no problem though.
That's what you'd have been doing if you did the "create a new account". Each device needs its own account/email address if you have more than one TomTom.

I get nervous when using Home, and I still go to the trouble to change the set of 4 folders to another master folder in the Preferences when I change the unit I'm working with for map and firmware updates, etc. I understand that Home should keep the two units' downloads sorted out, but I'd rather be safe than surprised by Home again!
Thanks for the tip on the car icon, however I changed the background to 255,0,0 60 x 60 bmp but the red background still shows up (it didn't on the XXL-S that worked exeactly as described) is the TT XXL540TM different for icon?

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