Can't see Roads, HyWy's or even lakes in My Drive..

Apr 23, 2021
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/us.png" alt="United States" /> United States
TomTom Model(s)
550 Rider
Any one else? I log into my drive, wanting to edit a previous route. I find that I can't see route names, roads, or side streets. Ok, I'm thinking I have a setting off. It worked Monday. Nope.. Upstairs computer does the same thing.. thinking... it must be because I have a iMac.. nope PC does the same thing. I break out the Mac Airbook.. nope same thing. SO I call tech support. Go through the 50 questions and they feel it's my server. How can that be>>> if I can see the page and platform, it's obvious maybe dump the past cache.. ok did that.. yep rebooted.. nope same thing. I call tech support. Yep its your service provider I'm told.
I call another contemporary that uses PC's they try.. same thing. Call my daughter... Same thing.. ok.. I call VA.. yep same thing..

TOM TOM it's on your end... no other way to put it.. it would be nice for this to work. Up to this point.. you have Garmin beat in so many ways... Please get this fixed..
Yes, I may be a server problem as I can see it now too.

Meanwhile, have a look at the very bottom of this page.
You are addressing other users like yourself, and we have no connection with the corporation.
I understand that. You've just verified what I had found. Thanks for your time. DIdn't mean to draw you.. But your verification makes me feel at least somewhat vindicated when TOM TOM wanted to be so close minded out the issue. Thanks again.. ride and gps safe
What surprises me is that the official TomTom site isn't seeing a lot of reports.
This is tech service from the 1990's telecom world. Everyone is off and no tech support...

Their ads look great. I know hundreds of rally riders. No one trusts or uses TomTom. Shame on me for trying them.

Earth to TomTom... Earth to Tomtom.. Come in ........

Someone provide the CEO's name and I'll pen an old school letter to him .

Please add your name to this list.

They obviously don't have tech support or any hint of monitoring their own service.

Fred and Barney of the Flinstones had better service.


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