5150 truck and bus tom tom

Try a drum reset on the unit by holding the power button about 20 seconds till you hear the drum sounds unless your model has a dedicated reset hole
Did it previously behave itself? Have you changed vehicles? Have you changed unit location within vehicle? Are you driving in new areas with many tall buildings, etc.?
We need some history to determine the sort of trouble you're actually having.
Was working ok just lateley started playing up, not changed vehicles and tomtom in same place, driving in london at moment on a coach, yes there are tall buildings around im in a city
Are the locations you're driving in now different than before? 'Urban canyons' can make getting a fix pretty tough. Depending on how/where the unit is mounted, it may be more difficult.

If nothing at all has changed, then it is possible that the unit is starting to go downhill, but your symptom is something we very rarely see as defective hardware.
Well if the unit is "starting to go downhill" as you put it, im not very impressed with tomtom as the unit is not a year old yet
As noted, I have not previously seen or heard of a unit whose GPS performance slowly degrades. In the rare situations where the unit functions apart from a decent GPS fix (and those are rare), it is either 'works or doesn't work at all'.

Can you describe the conditions under which you lose a fix vs. those where it seems to operate reliably? Am trying to pin down what might be happening that's different.

If you have an opportunity to do so, upon an occasion where a fix is difficult and you are stationary and in a position to leave the vehicle, I'd be curious to know what happens if you grab the unit and try it outside of the vehicle. Before leaving the vehicle, please refer to the screen found at 'Settings' / Right arrow (3 times?) / 'GPS status' and take note of what you see before you remove the unit, and again after you are outside the vehicle with the unit for a minute or so.

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