Pedestrian mode?

Nov 7, 2007
Does the GO 920 / 920T have a "pedistrian mode" like Garmin's Nuvi? It's so you can use the GPS unit for navigation on foot.
So you can only setup routes in pedestrian mode? You can't actually use it while walking w/o having a route setup first?
I actually haven't tried walking with the unit but it should work although it may be slow updating your position as you might not be walking fast enough to register.
I have used the 720 walking in Manhatten and it is a little slow when you turn a corner. Not to mention reception in the city is not so great.
What do you mean "Pedestrian mode"? If you wanna use it without a route, just turn it on and use it. It's no different from leaving it on in car as you drive. The maps do show pedestrian-only paths (dotted pink/grey in standard colours).

It registers 5km/h when I use it to walk.
Pedestrian mode as in using the PND while on foot... digital-flex mentioned above something about it being under planning preferences.
What do you mean "Pedestrian mode"? If you wanna use it without a route, just turn it on and use it. It's no different from leaving it on in car as you drive. The maps do show pedestrian-only paths (dotted pink/grey in standard colours).

It registers 5km/h when I use it to walk.

Apparently it is........

Using the 'walking' option, TomTom may take you the wrong way down a 1-way street whereas, if you have the 'fastest' or 'shortest' (<---in other words, driving), the route will not allow for going the wrong way on the 1-way street.
I've tried using my 920T while walking around my property and it was an excercise in frustration. It is tuned for auto use, and it won't properly update your position at walking speed. I could walk maybe 50 ft without the pointer moving, then all of a sudden it would jump to the new position and sit there for awhile. The Nuvi does a much better job if pedestrian use is important I'm afraid...
I realized that TomTom doesn't want you to use your device for walking. If you are walking slower that 5 km per hour than your position updates will be extremely slow, maybe every 10 seconds. I tried with my 510. If you are speedwalking that everything is fine. I'm sure that this is not issue with system, just TomTom software limitation.

I suppose that they want to make and sell GPS unit for walking. I tried friends Garmin and his device showed me speeds of 2 or 3 km per hour without any problem.

So, TomTom is not good for walking.
Using GO 720 for Bicycle Route - Does it really work ? Can you plan paths not roads ?

I have bought a GO720 to ride around Germany on the bicycle paths marked on it, yet my TT is very reluctant to ever use a bike path or even stay on it even when the bicycle planning option is chosen.
Has any one ever succesfully used the bicycle or walking option & found that TT will take the corresponding path rather than walking down a freeway ???
It is very frustating when it appears to be a feature TT has yet does not work as expected !! Particularly when there ia a bike path running parallel to teh main road and TT won't take it.
Anyone been able to use these non-car features sensibly ???
: (
Using GO 720 for Bicycle Route - Does it really work ? Can you plan paths not roads ?

I have bought a GO720 to ride around Germany on the bicycle paths marked on it, yet my TT is very reluctant to ever use a bike path or even stay on it even when the bicycle planning option is chosen.
Has any one ever succesfully used the bicycle or walking option & found that TT will take the corresponding path rather than walking down a freeway ???
It is very frustating when it appears to be a feature TT has yet does not work as expected !! Particularly when there ia a bike path running parallel to teh main road and TT won't take it.
Anyone been able to use these non-car features sensibly ???
: (
I tried it once when I was in the Outer Banks, thinking it would give me a route along a walking path straight to the beach. I was wondering how far it was. Instead it routed me along roads. I think unless it has the paths in the map, it won't recognize them.
Following a Bicycle route on a TT

I agree if the bicycle path is not shown on the TT map, I don't expect it to go along a route it does not know exists. The situation I have is where a bicycle path is shown, I mark waypoints along it, the TT follows it for a short while but leaves to go on a road ASAP even though I choose the "Bicycle Path planning option".
Has anyone successfully made this work ?
Should it choose a bicycle path rather than an equivalent road beside it, if you choose the bicycle option ?
Why does the bicycle option exist ?
I agree if the bicycle path is not shown on the TT map, I don't expect it to go along a route it does not know exists. The situation I have is where a bicycle path is shown, I mark waypoints along it, the TT follows it for a short while but leaves to go on a road ASAP even though I choose the "Bicycle Path planning option".
Has anyone successfully made this work ?
Should it choose a bicycle path rather than an equivalent road beside it, if you choose the bicycle option ?
Why does the bicycle option exist ?

I suspect the bicycle option will still only take you along roads BUT may allow for the route to include 1-way streets and blocked roads not available for cars. Certainly, walking route option works this way.
I have to disagree that TT can't be used for walking I have 3 reasons to think that.
1. I try it and worked for me, walked 2km.
2. In HELP ME! there is a option walk to many service: ex: nearest gas station, Firefighter...
3. Under preference, tehre is a route preference, showin a Car, bicycle and a waling person. And you can choose from it.

Note: if you put it to pedestrian, don't forget to put it back to car when you will use it in a car, cause he is going to give you weird routing (routing made for pedestrians)

But don't go off the road cause TT might have difficulties to know where you are.
And that is why we load 3rd party software (like "offroad") on our TT's. It is not "road locked", but you don't get all the fancy voices and directions. I haven't heard of any nav system that will give you verbal cues or routing suggestions for "not on the road" adventures.
Bicycle riding & solar power

I suspect the bicycle option will still only take you along roads BUT may allow for the route to include 1-way streets and blocked roads not available for cars. Certainly, walking route option works this way.

I have found the best planning option for bicycle riding is the Walking planing option. It uses the bicycle/walking paths a lot but still chooses a road if there is an alternative.
I have beaten the battery life probably with a USB solar battery which 1/4 the thickness of the GO720 (same HxW & weigh nothing) so never have to plug in my TomTom whilst there is some daylight or I am close to a desklamp !! Yippee ! It even works sitting on my car dashboard !
Works really well on my handle bars on my bicycle & I can pedal all day with my TomTom telling me where to go but it still takes me off the bike paths too often #@!#@!
Walk planning option on my bicycle - now solar powered

GO720 Walk planning option on my bicycle works fine in that it updates rapidly and it will follow a defined marked bike/walk path but will often take you off the path onto a road for some reason or when the path crosses a road it does nor recognise that the path continues the other side of the ride & make you turn left /right onto the road sometimes.

The walk option needs to choose the bike/walk path as a preference and ideally recognise that you can walk across a "green area" to a road or path - then out of date maps would be much more useful.
Please give us the information

I have found the best planning option for bicycle riding is the Walking planing option. It uses the bicycle/walking paths a lot but still chooses a road if there is an alternative.
I have beaten the battery life probably with a USB solar battery which 1/4 the thickness of the GO720 (same HxW & weigh nothing) so never have to plug in my TomTom whilst there is some daylight or I am close to a desklamp !! Yippee ! It even works sitting on my car dashboard !
Works really well on my handle bars on my bicycle & I can pedal all day with my TomTom telling me where to go but it still takes me off the bike paths too often #@!#@!

:confused: I was really excited to hear about your solar solution, but no so excited when I noticed you didn't give us any information like, the actual parts you bought and how you mounted them and so on.

People please if you are going to take the time to come on the forum and say "Hey, I solved that problem". Could you also take the time to tell us how otherwise it isn't really as helpful. :p

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