
Jul 9, 2013
United Kingdom
TomTom Model(s)
Hi I have a ONE XL and would like to password protect it in case it gets stolen, I have downloaded Tom Tom home from the website and tried to follow the instructions on page 51 of the manual, but I can't make head or tail of it.

Does anyone know how to do this without having to have a degree in computer operating please.

Many thanks in anticipation.
Basil Brush 27
Hi basilbrush27 and welcome to TTF!

I have a One XL but do not have it password-protected since I have real doubts of the value of protection it does or doesn't provide. Once you have TomTom installed on your computer, here's the sequence:

1. Connect your TomTom to your computer and allow it to bring up TomTom Home. If you have trouble with this step, check back here and someone will help.

2. Once you are connected, click Operate my device.

3. After a moment, you will see a GPS Emulator appear. Click once with your mouse on the map you normally see when you operate your GPS.

4. Click Change preferences.

5. Click Set owner. You may have to click the arrow until you reach the page where Set owner is shown.

6. You should now be able to set the password for your ONE XL. You can also set your name and address (which I personally would recommend that you NOT do), which will then be shown when your ONE XL starts up.​

Hope this helps.​
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Hi Alfie 67 thank you so much, followed your instructions and done what i wanted in about 2 mins, Tom Tom's instructions are useless it seems that they want you to call them so they can charge you after your unit is out of warranty !!! They do make that quite clear once you are out of warranty.

I had a similar issue with Apple recently with my iPhone that was also out of warranty and depending on what tech guy you get some charge and some don't so they use this as a money making venture.

Thank you again for your concise instructions on how to password protect my device, I also took your advice and left out my address details.

Kind Regards
My pleasure. Glad I could help!

Any other issues which arise, be sure to ask. There are many forum member who are willing to help on just about any topic!
Hi Alfie 67 thank you so much, followed your instructions and done what i wanted in about 2 mins, Tom Tom's instructions are useless it seems that they want you to call them so they can charge you after your unit is out of warranty !!!

In fairness, I think the instructions in the manual for the ONE XL were correct at the time, but Home has changed quite a bit since then, so the exact sequences (and words used on the various screens) are different now.
Last year I made a toll free support call, 3 years after the warranty expired.
Have they started to charge now for Support calls?

I think the majority of users do not password protect their devices.
What I do is to select an intersection of roads, approx. three turns away as my device Home location.
My actual home location is a Favorite with an nondescript name as my bow to paranoia.
new passcode set, but device won't accept it.

I have a xxl540M 9.510.1234792.103 gps version 1.2 OS1000, map ver 910.4956
so I just updated, and decided to also try setting a passcode. after trying it out, I was horrified to discover it would not accept the password. then, I discovered, that people don't want to discuss that as a security problem online. so, I thought, oh my gosh, I am really stuck now, as I have really come to depend on my xxl 540 as my full time navigator. then I read a post by one of our members here by the user name of
sandman5862002, and he understood fully the problem. it was not that I was trying to circumvent the security measure, I was just trying to get the device to accept the passcode that was duly set in tomtom home2. and he gave the solution, which I will repeat here for those that are having this particular challenge, and what you do is hold down the on switch for around 10 seconds, and then try switching it off, and back on again normally. you will hear the music at the start and the loading bar displays. the copyright notice comes on, and then the next screen displays, asking for the passcode. here you enter your code, and now it should accept it.
Thanks mephastopolous. Glad you got it sorted. What you describe is the standard "reset" procedure, which re-boots the program and cures many ills.

The security problem is more for people who say they have 'forgotten' their passcode, as obviously that may turn out to be someone who has stolen the unit. We don't want to assist those people!
Yo tengo un tomtom one que me regalaron porque se les habia caido y ya no prendia. En lo personal me gusta desarmar las cosas electronicas y ver si yo mismo puedo arreglarlo, es como un reto para mi. Aclaro que no soy tecnico ni nada pero en muchas ocaciones son fallas de algun contacto o cosas faciles. Total que descubri que fue el puerto de carga, ya que no me cargaba ni se conectaba al pc opte por cargar la bateria directa y descubri que si prende, despues verifique el puerto y por supuesto que estaba flojo, no hacen contacto las patitas que lleva. Aun no lo llevo a soldar, ya que al encenderlo me pide un password, y por supuesto que no lo se. Ya hice lo del reset y eso y pues me doy cuenta que haciendo eso se puede siempre y cuando introduzcas la contraseña correcta.. Que debo hacer? Gracias por su ayuda!!
Hi and welcome.
We're usually an English language website here, and I don't know if any of the regular contributors know enough Spanish to be able to help.
I'll just run your text through Google's translate feature to see if I can get an idea of your question, but it's often not very good.
Do you have enough English to do a better job than Google?

Here's Google's attempt at it:

I have a tomtom one they gave me because they had fallen and it would not start. Personally, I like electronic things apart and see if I can fix it myself, it's like a challenge to me. I clarify that I am not technical or anything but on many occasions are failures or easy things any contact. Total I discovered it was the charging port, as I was not loaded or was connected to the pc chooses to charge the battery directly and discovered that if it catches, then check the port and of course it was loose, do not touch the legs which leads . However do not carry it to weld, because when you turn it asks me for a password, and of course we do not know. Since the reset and I did that and then I realize that doing so can be as long as you enter the correct password .. What should I do? Thanks for your help!
Unfortunately, we will not give advice on removing a password from the device as it would be giving assistance to thieves who had stolen people's TomToms. I'm sure you are probably completely honest, but we have no way of confirming that.

Do you know the person the TomTom came from, or can you make contact with them and ask them for the password?
Por desgracia, no le daremos consejos para eliminar una contraseña del dispositivo como lo estaría dando asistencia a los ladrones que habían robado TomToms del pueblo. Estoy seguro de que usted está probablemente totalmente honesto, pero no tenemos forma de confirmar.

¿Conoces a la persona proviene el TomTom, o ¿puedes hacer contacto con ellos y les pedirá la contraseña?

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