Navcore 8.301 for x20 devices now available

I clicked on the link and found nowhere of 8.301 for x20.
Anyway, hopefully they fixed the stutering issue in this new release.
If you look at the link you've provided, f/w 8.301 is ONLY for the x40 series and that models isn't even available in NA yet.

Firmware 8.3 (unfortunately) remains the latest for x20 (and x30) models.
Isn't it 8.310 for x40???
Geez..........can't a guy get away with a typo once in a while? :eek:

Thanks. I'll fix it.
Yes, it is!

If you look at the link you've provided, f/w 8.31 is ONLY for the x40 series and that models isn't even available in NA yet.
Please read carefully: I said 8.301 was available for x20; I also said there was no description on TT's site, where 8.310 is given as the latest firmware for x40. (.301 vs .310, OK?)

Firmware 8.3 (unfortunately) remains the latest for x20 (and x30) models.
I just upgraded my Go720 to 8.301. Please read carefully.
Well, perhaps I'm incorrect, then. Often am......

But, how did you find out about this firmware? Was it offered using Home?
Sorry, I WAS incorrect..........I apologize.

8.301 IS being offered using Home. Users here and in Britain are getting the download. The only thing is, nobody yet is sure what, if anything, got fixed with this firmware update.
The update was offered by Home today. One thing it did was break the 'Operate my Go' function. I haven't tried a reboot and reset yet to see if that does anything. Good old TT - I sure hope there's some benefit to the update to make up for the hassle.
Navcore 8.301, not just for x20 devices!

Folks, I was offered Navcore 8.301 for my GO 930. I thought I read in TT Home that it was for four series of GO devices.

It fixed my stutter! Got rid of ALL sounds except thru the jukebox. No voice navigation, no alerts, no tones, no nothing. Luckily I installed it to my SD card and popping the card out got my sound back. Now, I just have to go in and find the new file and delete the SOB.
One step forward (maybe...) 10 back - glad I was not an early adopter on this one.

I use the "Operate My Go' too much to give it up - plus it looks like a host of other problems.
Well, it did nothing for my stuttering problem and gave me the Cannot Operate My Go, and Cannot Show Contents problems.

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