Low Clearance Alert

Excellent idea. Unfortunately it only works at known (to you) locations.

I think you should send that info to TomTom and at the same time request that the programmable Height Restriction of TomTom work should be made available to all, not just those who can write it off as a business expense or those who can afford the half a million dollar motor home buses.

What you made up is still a vary good idea. Not that we are getting senile (don't listen to SWMBO), it is just that we all have too many things on our mind and it may slip for that crucial moment when encountering a restriction.

Thanks for posting.
To the OP (Arno is evidently already aware of this) TomTom already has map data for clearance issues. They include it all in the TomTom Work package. TomTom WORK, connected navigation - FAQ-Truck Navigation Just need to get them to share with us peons.

Thanks.. I was not aware the product existed already. I doubt if they will trickle it down to us for free.

This 'warn when near a POI" feature is a building block for other experimentation. Already it is reminding me whenever I get near my friend's house. Warnings like "Lock_doors" can be created for use when driving by
certain parts of the city. :).

Righ now, I have checked the POIs around my city. And whenever I find a POI that has a low clearance in it,
I would add it as another POI in the 'Warning_low_clearance" Category. If everyone does it then we can share the info --- just like how we get those 'red light cameras' warnings.


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