How do I make a POI "folder" and put favorites into it?

Jan 2, 2011
How do I make a POI "folder" and put favorites into it?

I have a 540XXL. Today, an update totally mangled the device--but that is resolved.

However, I lost my personal favorites "folder" and saved destinations, and cannot for the life of me figure out how I originally created it.

How do I create the storage container inside POIs with my desired name on it, like 'MySavedPOIs'?

I think I will be able to copy favorites over into this, but i can't create it.

Aside: I did make a POI "category" of my own, and put favorites into it, but it does not show up when I
Navigate to>POI>POI near you|POI in city|POI near Home.....The category I made is not there no matter which one of those I select.
Well, I don't know when this stinky business of destroying user's settings and favorites happened, but, well, it stinks. I know it worked up through the previous quarterly map update prior to the current one (or prior to the new Home which it just installed too)--because I installed them and everything carried across the map install.

Also--maybe this is related--I previously made my personal POI folder (that's what I call it anyway) USING ONLY THE GPS. And I copied favorites into it using only the GPS. And I accessed them with Navigate to>POI and then when I selected ANY category on the next screen (near, city, etc), my 'folder' would show. Select it, and there was my stuff.

Now the "improvement" is that we have to use an external program POIEdit (meaning have to be at our computer--ain't gonna do it on the road as we formerly could. <<< [AM I READING THIS RIGHT? No way to create your personal POI folder on the device?] And, after it is created, can we store things in it without having to go back to the external program?

And another "improvement" is that our stuff disappears.

Only in the new America do things go backward.

Been thinking about a Garmin.

LATER: None of the links on the POIEdit download page are links leading to a download--test only. COnfused.
That's where I was....well, actually on the download page of that site. There are no download links on that page nor on the download page

There are lines there for the program in various languages--but they are not links or download starters. Please post the url to a page you believe has real links on it.
This works for me:
I click on download for the English version and IE10 asks whether I want to save or run the exe.

Wow. Yes; it works.
My problem was that the cursor does not change to a fingerpointing hand. I have NEVER, EVER seen that before, where a web based control did not change the cursor to a finger-point. So I had not even clicked it--'knowing" that it would "do nothing" because it was "not a control"--since it did not change the cursor.
-I previously made my personal POI folder (that's what I call it anyway) USING ONLY THE GPS. And I copied favorites into it using only the GPS.

That's still how you do it.
Set up new POI categories using the Change Preferences (or Settings) menu.
Manage POIs - Add new POI Category. Give it a name and it should appear in the list of POI categories.
You can then add locations to that category in several ways e.g. from the "Browse map" display using the blue cursor button, or from the Manage POIs - Add POI menu, which lets you add to the category from your Favourites or addresses, other POIs etc.

And I accessed them with Navigate to>POI and then when I selected ANY category on the next screen (near, city, etc), my 'folder' would show. Select it, and there was my stuff.
It still should.
But do note that it will only show items from the chosen category if there are any within a distance limit from the place you selected (about 50 miles if I remember correctly). This was a change in software behaviour, but it happened years ago.

If you are not seeing the new category AT aLL, then there was some error in the way you originally created it.

Now the "improvement" is that we have to use an external program POIEdit

Not that's not correct. You do not NEED POIEdit to do anything on the TomTom, it's just an aid to managing the POI files themselves.
You can still create POIs and POI categories on the TomTom itself.
Thanks for that input. Something I read previously led me to believe they were saying that now you HAD TO use POIedit to create the personal POI folder (category).

Actually, it has now appeared and seems to work as before. I guess before I was not near the poi's or something.

I really hate they don't show all poi's sorted with closest at the top. That was a stupid change, but then, we're talking tomtom are we not?
I have a dell 17 5000 laptop running Windows 10 and POIEdit does not run correctly.

After downloading an ov2 files and selecting any individual poi I get he error message "stack overflow in line 41"

Can I create poi categories and add pois just using my GO 510 and, if so, how do I do it?
I have a dell 17 5000 laptop running Windows 10 and POIEdit does not run correctly.
That's why a lot of people say hold off upgrading for half a year so that the drivers for 3rd party software gets sorted.

After downloading an ov2 files and selecting any individual poi I get he error message "stack overflow in line 41"
Have you made a Google search and looked at several returns to see if it has been solved by someone else.
Also, it is not a good idea to to pose the same question in multiple threads.

Can I create poi categories and add pois just using my GO 510 and, if so, how do I do it?
As explained in another thread individual POIs cannot be edited on the device and complete categories can only be imported via the Cloud.
That's still how you do it.
Set up new POI categories using the Change Preferences (or Settings) menu.

Not that's not correct. You do not NEED POIEdit to do anything on the TomTom, it's just an aid to managing the POI files themselves.
You can still create POIs and POI categories on the TomTom itself.
One problem I have is that I do not understand the differences between various types of Tomtom so when i read an answer to a search I cannot even be surethat it applies to my model if it states 510 as there is an earlier 510 which is veru different from mine
One problem I have is that I do not understand the differences between various types of Tomtom so when i read an answer to a search I cannot even be surethat it applies to my model if it states 510 as there is an earlier 510 which is veru different from mine
Fair statement.
I am generalising now but if a post was started this year it may apply to your device.
The reason why I say may is that it could have come from someone with the old device.
If you scan over a thread and see Home instead of MyDrive it will not be applicable to your device.
So, Ciro, are you saying I should keep my 540XXL and not "upgrade?" It sounds like an upgrade would be a downgrade.

Actually, I still like the 540XXL TM except am into the 1GB memory limitation and now have to load regional maps, and would kind of like a faster processor.

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