Height (Altitude)

I've sent the author a message asking if he can assist you, JimT.

Nothing ventured..............
Hi guys!

The TOC-file is for installing Height using TomTom Home 2.x, by copying the TOC and the CAB to (in my case, using a German Windows XP) "C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Quietscheentchen\Eigene Dateien\TomTom HOME\Download\complete" (see the configuration of your Home to get the correct directory for your case).

For installing the "normal" way, open the CAB using WInRAR, WInACE or WinZIP, there should be a file "ttn" and a directory "Height". If there ist no directory but only files, you're maybe using a misconfigured packing program!

Then copy the file and the directory (or the two directories, if you're using the latest Height version), and unlink the TomTom from your Computer in the appropriate way.

Best regards,
Height HowTo

You can use whatever texteditor you want, Wordpad, Notepad, PSPad, Scite, you name it...

Btw: After getting a how-do-I-install-it-mail every once a week or so (and to be prepared for when they "open" the 100x-devices for 3rd-party-plugins) I changed the installation process and made it a lot easier. No more downloading and unpacking and moving stuff. :)

Just connect your TomTom to your computer, wait 'till that orange/white screen comes up, then visit my website gps.dg4sfw.de/?height (you will need to allow your browser to execute my installation applet on the first time) and click the big "install/uninstall"-button.
It will then search for your TomTom and should display its serial number (and type, if not a 100x) and you can select "install". If it can't find your TomTom on the frist try, try "search".

If you then click "install" it will install my Height-plugin onto your TomTom.

After it is done, wait five seconds then disconnect your TomTom safely (on Windows use the little green remove-hardware-safely-arrow in your tray on the bottom right, next to your clock).

By the way: If you want to remove the plugin do everything the same way but instead of "install" there will be an "uninstall"-button.

If your then disconnect your USB-cable your TomTom should boot and you should see your height in the upper left corner of your navigation screen if your TomTom can determine it's position (e.g. you're outside and it sees satellites or so).

Have fun! :)

And like I said, if you don't like the position of the plugin on your navigation screen or its size or want to switch to "feet" instead of "meters" or you need to add a correction value (some GPS-chip-families are a bunch of meters off, in Europe that's about -48 meters) you can do that by editing the file "height.cfg" in the "Height"-directory on your TomTom using a normal text-editor.
*** WARNING ***


Be careful if you have Navcore 9.053 and you have Tripmaster installed and you use the auto install on Joghurt's site it will overwrite the TTN file and Tripmaster will start flashing.

If you then return to the site and use the uninstall routine it removes Height AND the TTN file completely.

By the way:
The new TTN file which was created during the install was completely different from the Tripmaster TTN file.

If you follow the earlier instruction and install Height 8 then replace the CFG & SO files with Height 17 CFG & SO files , this works good except for slight flicker.

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