Go 920t and My Tomtom software

Can I use My TomTom software instead of using TomTom home software?
Nope. To the best of my knowledge, the NAV-2 devices such as your GO 920T can only be used with the HOME2 software. The MyTomTom software works only with the later NAV-3 units such as my GO LIVE 1535 (and possibly with the NAV-4 devices that are not sold here in North America).

- Tom -
Totally different interface, Joe. The newer units look like network cards to your PC and must use MyTomTom. Older units like yours look like disk drives to your PC and must use TomTom Home.
Thanks for the quick replies...... My Galaxy phone GPS is more reliable and has nore features then my 920. I was hoping to get better software to compare with my phone. I paid so much for the 920 when it first came out and it SO outdated now. :( :mad:
Amazing what happens these days to technology that is 6 years old. I thought my GO720 was pretty hot stuff back in 2007 (and it was!), but wow -- how things have changed since then.
One thing in particular -- the quality of Live traffic vs. RDS when added to the routing algorithm. My old 720 doesn't hold a candle to my 740 (or Via 1535) when it comes to traffic. Your Galaxy phone can use the TomTom App and take advantage of a Live traffic subscription -- one alternative to buying a stand-alone device to replace the 720. I like the screen layout and general visibility of the newer stand-alone units better, but if your eyesight is good enough, the Android app is certainly an option. Live doesn't eat up much data from a data plan, either.
Apart from route calculation speed, IQ routes and LIVE Traffic, a Go720 will do far MORE than the Android app or any recent hardware model.
You can also add an RDS-TMC receiver to give you some Traffic news.
He's already got a 920"T", so assume he has an RDS device for it already. That's why I was mentioning the additional advantages of Live.
However, in checking the OP's IP address, it looks like he wouldn't have any Live coverage in his area.

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