Forgotten favourites

Apr 19, 2008
Every time I download updated maps for Ireland, TomTom forgets certain of my 'favourites'.

These are locations saved in shopping centres, usually.

Now, when I asked TomTom why most of the huge shopping centres (malls in Americanspeak) that have been founded in Ireland in the last 10 years or so don't appear as Points of Interest, I was told that this is because the mapmakers get this information from the county councils.

Not good enough.

This isn't good customer service.

I'll update my map of Ireland, and when I go to look for, say, the giant B&Q homeware store in the Liffey Valley Centre, I get a message saying "No route found".

This is because the shopping centre has its own internal roads (horrible things with multiple roundabouts), which haven't been entered into the TomTom maps.

TomTom will be waiting a long time before Dublin County Council gets around to sending it updated maps. And when the council does so, the maps may be as modern as, ohhh, 2000.

I can't understand why the company can't just map the roads from Google Earth or something and plonk the correct roads into the maps on the satnav.

Until then, I'll have to curse TomTom and all things TomTomish every time I download a new map and find that my links to those unnavigable shopping centres have been discarded.
I have been told that the Favourites folder is being deleted and a blank one is set up when a new map is loaded.
POIs are saved in a different location (don't know why as the ov2 folder is inside the map folder so, next time make a complete back up and save the ov2s somewhere).

Make a new POI category and save everything in there (remember, Recent destinations roll over after the 24th).

Open post # 5 for a blow-by-blow instruction.
Every time I download updated maps for Ireland, TomTom forgets certain of my 'favourites'.

These are locations saved in shopping centres, usually.

Now, when I asked TomTom why most of the huge shopping centres (malls in Americanspeak) that have been founded in Ireland in the last 10 years or so don't appear as Points of Interest, I was told that this is because the mapmakers get this information from the county councils.

Not good enough.

This isn't good customer service.

I'll update my map of Ireland, and when I go to look for, say, the giant B&Q homeware store in the Liffey Valley Centre, I get a message saying "No route found".

This is because the shopping centre has its own internal roads (horrible things with multiple roundabouts), which haven't been entered into the TomTom maps.

TomTom will be waiting a long time before Dublin County Council gets around to sending it updated maps. And when the council does so, the maps may be as modern as, ohhh, 2000.

I can't understand why the company can't just map the roads from Google Earth or something and plonk the correct roads into the maps on the satnav.

Until then, I'll have to curse TomTom and all things TomTomish every time I download a new map and find that my links to those unnavigable shopping centres have been discarded.

Your favourites get saved in a file called MapSettings.cfg (along with recent destinations and other settings) and stored in your specific map folder. Every time you update your map, a new, fresh copy of the file gets created and overwrites the older version; hence, goodbye favourites.

Simply copy over (using Explorer) a backed up copy of MapSettings.cfg to the map folder and you'll get your favourites back.
Just like Dhn said, this is how you 'transfer' your favorites over because favorites are located in the map folder and not the device's main directory.

TomTom can not copy Google Earth's road map because Google Earth's maps are supplied by Navteq while TomTom uses Teleatlas.
If you find any errors with the map itself, use Mapshare to correct the mistakes or use Teleatlas' website:
Copying in the map.cfg file restored my favourites - thanks for this.


However, as happens *every time* I download new map updates, two of my favourites respond, when invoked, with "no route found".

These two favourites are both in the massive Liffey Valley Centre, one of the many new(ish) shopping centres that are not included in TomTom's mapping.

The company says this is because it's the responsibility of county councils to tell it about shopping centres. Obviously the councils haven't bothered to do so.

This doesn't strike me as great customer service on the part of TomTom - with satellite mapping available, it should surely be easy enough to include Liffey Valley, Dundrum, etc in the satnav maps.

It seems that because Liffey Valley shopping centre has its own roads, every time the maps are updated the device "forgets" the route that it had previously found from my home to my beloved B&Q, only source of Art Deco sanded-glass lampshades, and my darling M&S, only source of walnut bread.

Every time, I have to drive there, spend an hour driving frantically around a particularly nasty and badly-signposted series of roundabouts until I find these two again and reinstitute them.

Ironically, the Go then asks me "Do you want to replace B&Q Liffey Valley". Yes, since you can't find it, idiot machine.

Is there any way of fooling the machine into keeping the route to these favourites when it downloads map updates?
I am one of those who accidently rewrote My Favourites when changing map. But I had a copy so I just replaced the new MapSettings.cfg with the backup. Smooth! But there are some favourites missing! And if I open the file with Notepad (on my PC) I can actually "see" textstrings of the places/roads I am missing. How do I get them back? Is there a "TT Favouirites editor" for PC?
You're right! I didnt' think of that even though I have POIedit installed.
And I can see all af them! ;)
Saving Favoutrites from two different SD cards

I have been using two SD cards on my tomtom one, one with UK maps and one with France. Both have favourites on from those areas.
I want to now download one map covering the whole of Western Europe but also want my UK and France favourites on there.
Is there anyway to combine both mapsettings.cfg files together?
Welcome to TTF.

The best suggestion is to convert your favourites to a custom ov2 file and then copy that to a new map using Explorer.

See here
Many thanks for that. Worked a treat as soon as I found out that it was 2007 POIEdit and not the new one that opened cfg files.
Loss of Favourites

I followed your instructions and through POIEdit combined my favourites in a _Fav.ov2 file and put that into my maps folder, but they dont show up on my tomtom one POI's.
Did try transferring a back up of the cfg file with favs on into the map folder but this appeared to cause the tomtom to hang up on the opening screen.
Anyone got anymore suggestions?
I followed your instructions and through POIEdit combined my favourites in a _Fav.ov2 file and put that into my maps folder, but they dont show up on my tomtom one POI's.
What did you call the *.ov2 file that you copied to your map folder, and what exactly was the name of the folder you copied it to? There's a folder out in the root of your unit called "maps" (literally). That's NOT where you want to put the *.ov2. The folder will be "UK and ROI" or some part of Europe - don't know what model you've got or what you have loaded on it.
Have a Tomtom One 1st Edition and called the file _Favs. Put it in the file with same name as my map - Western Europe.
How to open cfg file

I installed MyPoiManager but I can't figure out how to open my saved .cfg file with it. .cfg files do not show up on the list of file types on the Import POI screen. I tried renaming the fiel to a .txt extension but when I tried to import it MyPOIManager complained that the file had no coordinates. Any help?

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