Forgot account password, don't get reset emails

Sep 2, 2014
TomTom Model(s)
540 XXL
I have an issue with my TomTom account and am wondering if anyone knows an email address to contact the company? I can't seem to find one -- only a phone number -- on their site.

The issue is I have forgotten my password and the email the TomTom site claims it is sending never arrive to my inbox, spambox, or trash folders. I've sent 4 or 5 requests now over the past hour to hour and a half.

To communicate with support, they require an account outside of non-owners who get a phone number. But I can't login to my account to talk with them otherwise I wouldn't need to talk with them. ARRGHH.

Something like this would be much easier to resolve through email if there is an actual email address to send to support -- perhaps they can manually send the email again or push it to a different email account.

Seems like a strange 'gotcha' space where they don't really have a defined method of handling this issue.
Could it be that in addition to having forgotten the PW, you actually signed in with a different eMail address at the time and they are trying to reach you there.

Call Customer Support and see if you can get them to send the 'change password notification URL' to your current address.

United States
866 486 6866
Monday - Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. EDT
Saturday: 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. EDT
Thank you for the response.. but it is infact the correct email address. 100% certain. AAMOF they even confirm the address has an account when I click the send password. haha a little security violation there..

I have setup a secondary TomTom account and sent them a message with my email address. I like everything in writing so I don't tend to do phonecalls.. it is much easier to understand people when most support is overseas. Hopefully they will sort it. The loophole here I have fallen into is a little frustrating..
I prefer a phone call to an eMail any time.
People can read a lot of misinformation into a few typed words. On the phone it is quite apparent if someone misunderstands and one ask to clarify.

Confirming a phone conversation in writing as proof is an entirely other matter and I have done it often to eliminate wiggle room.

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