Export past journey from tomtom 6100 to PC

Jun 22, 2016
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/gb.png" alt="United Kingdom" /> United Kingdom
TomTom Model(s)
Hi, I just bought one of these and would like to be able to do similar to what my old Garmin could do. I want to get the information about journeys made recently out of the TomTom to a PC so that the track can be overlaid on a map. I used to be able to access what were called GPX tracks from the Garmin and using software called Geosetter overlay that track on a map, Then I could use that image (map and track) to show a journey on my blog. Any info would be a great help to me, thanks in advance.
Here is a guide for that model:

Especially the section in pages 76 onwards.

Some additional information from another source:

Just a bit of extra info, you can open your recorded routes after downloading to your SD card on your PC using Google Earth.

Run Google Earth then click “File” then “open file” then navigate to your route files on the SD card.

Now you will notice that no files are showing at this stage so in the browser box for “file type” change it to “all files” and your files from your routes will now be showing so select the file you want and there in all its glory is your route.
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